vendredi 30 avril 2010

Jessica Alba Foils Kate Hudson's Upskirt Moment


Christina Aguliera's 'Not Myself Tonight'


Kim Kardashian vs Jennifer Lopez

In one corner we have Kim Kardashian as she appeared on Tuesday night at the SlimFast Style Your Slim Fashion Show. Wearing a white dress and black over-the-knee hooker boots, Kim looks over her shoulder as if to say, “Check out that junk, baby!” In the other corner we have Jennifer Lopez in some sort of advertisement for something. Wearing all white and sporting crazy shoulder-length curls, Jennifer almost has a look of pain on her face – as if holding up her butt takes everything she’s got. So now I ask….. Who wins the Battle of the Booties? Let’s see them side by side for better comparison, shall we? Fat Butts May Be HealthyBy Jeanna Bryner, LiveScience Managing Editor Having junk in your trunk is healthier than a spare tire around...

mercredi 28 avril 2010

Jennifer Lopez vs. Kim Kardashian

Who has the better butt? Jennifer Lopez or Kim Kardashian any guy or lesbian on the street who has the best backside in entertainment, and the answers will range from Jennifer Lopez to Kim Kardashian and maybe, just maybe Alicia Keys. But since pics of Alicia Keys butt are few and far between, let’s a have an old fashion battle of the booties between Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian shall we? Jennifer Lopez’s booty has been reduced the past couple years while Kim Kardashian’s rear has expanded. Scientists claim that it’s due to ice cream. I think it’s because she’s Armenian. (Hey, she said it herself!) I’m a fan of Latina girls so personally I’d have to go with Jlo. Plus, I wasn’t that impressed with Kim’s sex tape. At any rate,...

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